Yeshiva Kollel

Dear Friends, We are excited to announce an opportunity to partner with Yeshivas Mishkan Shmuel as we launch a pivotal fundraising campaign with a focus on strengthening our own makom Torah, the kollel situated within the yeshiva’s walls. This kollel operates under the direction and watchful eye of our esteemed Rosh Yeshiva, who imparts the … Read more

Purim Kollel

Dear Members of the Community, As we approach the joyous and spiritually elevated day of Purim, it is with great enthusiasm that we present to you a unique opportunity to take part in supporting Torah learning in an unprecedented manner. Yeshivas Mishkan Shmuel is proud to announce its annual Purim Kollel initiative, a program that … Read more

Blossoming Torah: Shavuos Fundraising Campaign

As we prepare for Shavuos, the Yom Tov when Hashem gave us the Torah, Yeshivas Mishkan Shmuel is excited to launch our Blossoming Torah fundraising campaign. Our yeshiva is dedicated to nurturing the minds and souls of our bochurim, helping them grow into true bnei Torah. This Shavuos, we’re asking you to join us in … Read more